My Horoscope
You are The Chariot
Triumph, Victory, Overcoming Obstacles.
The chariot is one of the most complex cards to define. On its most basic level, it implies war, a struggle, and an eventual, hard-won victory. Either over enemies, obstacles, nature, the beasts inside you, or to just get what you want. But there is a great deal more to it. The charioteer wears emblems of the sun, yet the sign behind this card is the moon. The chariot is all about motion, and yet it is often shown as stationary. It is a union of opposites, like the black and white steeds. They pull in different directions, but must be (and can be!) made to go together in one direction. Control is required over opposing emotions, wants, needs, people, circumstances; bring them together and give them a single direction, your direction. Confidence is also needed and, most especially, motivation. The card can, in fact, indicate new motivation or inspiration, which gets a stagnant situation moving again.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
My Job Anniversary
About my job. I love my current job at st John MAC. I like the working timing (quite short actually, work is done only on the island), environment(clean n nice air), colleagues(really nice people to hang out with), workload(mostly physical work, it's like a gym to me - I love it). No stress nor dislike. In fact everyday I'm looking forward to work to see how the fish are, how much fish will be left, how big they grow and so on. But I'll leave my job by the end of this year. Mainly because of the salary. No matter how hard I work, I know that my pay increase $90 yearly and I can calculate how much I'll earn for the next ten year. I'm a hard working person. I'm gonna find a job which can allow me to earn as much as how much effort I put in. Maybe Insurance, Property or Broker? A step of faith.
Actually I learn alot from this simple workplace in st John island. Even simple thing like drinking a cup of water. The water from tap sometimes secrete white substance from it. Two things I've learn from this. 1 Watch before u put anything into your mouth. 2 Never take things for granted, be grateful we have fresh clean water in Singapore.
Working here definitely change my life. Since after I leave my secondary school until I leave army, I seldom speak English. I cannot barely speak a proper complete sentence. Very bad. At my work place, I got lots of Malay and Indian worker and I have relearn how to speak English. Ever since I work here, , I would spent time to learn to drive, read books and newspaper, play a guitar and cooking during my off days. I also have the time to visit my granny and have lunch with her. I also also got to know god only after working here. Definitely I've learn and experince alot. Change is part of growing up.
What I've done - Really cant think of anything much. For movie I watched Transformers and The Bourne Ultimatum. I think Transformers the computer graphics very good and I slept for 1 hour while watching The Bourne Ultimatum. It could be due to the mahjong that morning that's why I slept during the movie. Somemore the screen was so shaky which made my eyelids even heavier. For nice food, I would recommend Clementi Ave 3 Blk 328 the claypot rice($10). Very nice. I went to Ding Tai Feng to eat. It's nice but I dun think there's anything very outstanding. It quite expensive too (fried rice $9.50 without 17% service charge). Went Bedok Blk85 market eat the Ba Chop Mee($2) and Oyster Omelet. Standard went down by alot. Just like the STI these recent weeks.
Oh ya that Stew Pig Odex company. I hate that company. Please do not receive any files from msn with verify with the sender. It maybe a virus.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Hmmm... But during the past weeks, been to a OBS camp at Pulau Ubin($15) with a bunch of colleagues. It was heavily subsidise. We were separated from each other and were mixed with different groups of people from other government ministries. The OBS I went is meant for people of all ages(working adults from 20+ to 50). The obstacles there pose not much of a challenge. Seriously I felt no excitement going through all these. Yet I enjoyed it very much. Haha. It's the group of people that I'm with makes it so interesting. Most of the people there never tried things like rock climbing, flying fox, kayaking and water jump.
For the rock climbing, it was really simple flat wall. It took about 1-2 mins for a guy to clear. When the girls were climbing, everyone were busy giving instruction and cheering. Some of them made it and the amount of time take varies from 3 mins to 10 mins.
For the Flying Fox, it was really slow. I estimate the speed of coming down is the same as driving 1st gear on the road. But amazingly still got people screaming while doing that. Haha.
The water jump is like a plank sticking out of the sea (like those in pirates movie), then jump into the sea from there. By the time group went was in the afternoon. It was high tide at that point of time and the plank was just 3m above sea level. There were some girls who cant swim. But yet they still jump. They scream as they jump, drinking seawater. Haha. But I'm sure it's something special or unforgettable for them. It something like overcoming fear and a whole new experience. Overall I find the whole OBS trip quite meaningful and enjoyable because it show how people can overcome their fears by words of encouragement and trust. I'm sure if all these obstacles take place during my NS, it'll be a boring and meaningless one. That why I feel that the group of people that I'm with is also quite important. Such simple activity can make it an enjoyable one.
Try this:
Sunday, June 10, 2007
This week I tried the dunno what Japanese flavor KFC. Although it look like normal KFC chicken with a few very small and thin strips of seaweed, the taste is different. Very nice and it's worth to try.
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Things I eat this week - Cant remember much except Fish and Co the New York Fish chip ($14.90). It nice. My friend ordered the normal Fish and chip($13.90). There was no difference. The only difference was that there was this America Flag on top on my lemon.
Try this:
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Monday Off Day. Drove to a coffee shop in Hougang near blk 636. Cant remember what I had. The only thing I remember that the rojak was horrible and drink the "Anything". After that attended a wake.
Tuesday. Today was fish sale. It was my second trip to the floating farm near Lim Chu Kang. Only today I had the chance to get on the farm. When I got on the farm, there was this horrible stench. Surprisingly this smell was not the smell from fish but dogs. There were 30+ Husky on the farm. I didnt expect to see so many dogs and puppy. Those husky were breed by the farmer and most probably he would be selling them. I thought husky were supposed to stay in air conditioned place. But these husky were playing happily under the scorching sun and enjoying the sea breeze.
Wednesday and Thursday working.
Friday, I went fishing at st John with my friends. The weather was bad and we had to cancel the fishing. Fortunately there was an empty chalet and spent the night in inside playing board games. Actually that chalet was rumoured to be very haunted. But looking at how contented my friends were enjoying themselves, I didnt told them. Haha. Nobody felt or encountered any supernatural things.
Saturday morning went to Maxwell market for breakfast. Eat the Oyster Cake($2) and drink the horlick soya bean milk ($1). Both are very nice. After that went to Clementi gym and went swimming. At the Clementi Singapore Sports Council(SSC), there was this Goodie Grab coupons. I bought the $10 coupon. It includes - 10 entries to Clementi Swimming Pool, 3 entries to gym + a $5 off for selected SSC fitness course. It's quite worth it.
Try this:
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Friday working.
Saturday went to my aunt house. She cooking Laksa, Oneh Oneh and Shao Mi. I like Shao Mi. It's a combination a mince pork, shrimp, hard boil egg wrapped in dumpling skin. After that attended my granny Mahjong workshop. Dinner went to Thomson to eat Zi Char. The Tofu and deer meat was very nice.
Sunday working. Happy Mother Day.
Try this:
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Monday working. At night I drove the van all by myself from my house to Gombak Mrt.
Tuesday working overnite.
Wednesday working. Hmmm... Today went to office to find out how much bonus will be getting. Getting bonus should be a happy thing. It's like if there's no bonus, we just a our month pay. Initially everyone was happy, knowing that we'll get half month bonus. But after hearing someone got a 1 month bonus, there were people feeling abit unhappy. Hmmm... Strange right? Get bonus also can get frustrated, disappointed and unhappiness. Something to think about.
Try this:
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Friday working. Drove around the neighbourhood to do some errands. Drove to friend house to borrowed C&C 3 game. Slept at 2am. I was tired yet I couldn't sleep. Might be the effects of prawn crackers.
Today morning took bus 170 to JB. My friends are quite some energetic and adventurous people. We walked around and entered various shopping malls. At noon we took a cab (6RM) to a resturant at Jalan Maju. We ordered:
1. 36 Meat (14RM) Too oily

2. Bat meat (23RM) Sux...
4. Fried Squrriel (12RM) Too dry
After that went to another stall nearby to eat Bah Kuh Teh. Real lousy. After that we walk for about 25mins to Holiday Plaza. Bought some bubblegum and some other foodstuffs. Took a cab back to custom(6RM). At the Singapore custom, I was spot checked by the officer. Damn bad luck. My friends they were infront of me were not checked. Until my turn I was checked. The officer found my bubble gum. She asked me to surrender my passport. The police took my passport and type somethings into the computer. She then handed me to the police. Then I followed the him to the duty office. There were few other people sitting inside. There he asked me to sign a book. He took out a penknife and slashed the bubble gums. T_T ... They worth 5RM lor. So wasteful. Just when I was to walk out, a lady ask me: "Excuse me, how much are you fined for the bubble gum?" Hmmm... I looked at the officer. He said, " No fines". Heh heh. At least I'm lucky not having fined for posession of 30 bubble gums. Though I was caught, at least I felt safer as the police are carrying out their duty more efficently to prevent weapons, drugs, bombs and any other thing that may cause harm to people. Maybe because the increase in civil servent pay that why they are working even harder. Went JB so many times never kanna check today first time check and got caught. After that we went CCK bus interchange. I ate oyster omettle($3). Real lousy. One oyster I ate inside still got sand. After that went to lot1 watch spiderman 3. Hmmm... I think the French man inside the show quite humorous.
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Tuesday May Day. Morning went to Gombak gym. Went with a friend whom I known for 10 years. He started going to gym only when he was in army. He used to ask me to help train him up. Hmmm... After army, he went to work in a certain gym as a Fitness Professional. Haha. Things changed as now I would have to humble down to learn from him. It has been 22 days since I last went to gym. Hmmm... Somehow his training pushes me out of my comfort zone. It had been a long time for my body to experience any aching. It's a good thing. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger. At night, drove my family to Westmall Foodcourt to eat. Ordered mixed rice. No comment. After that went to visit my granny. A peaceful day.
Wednesday working. Read to newspaper today. I looked at the photos of 2nd page about May Day. In the article, there are photos of police or army standing there armed with weapon and shield infront of a large crowd of protesters. The crowds were looking very angry and the armed personnel looked serious. These were photos taken yesterday from other countries nearby. Only there was a photo of a small crowd with 2 person shaking hands and smiling. On the bottom there wrote the word Singapore. No protest, so peaceful. No wonder foreigner say feels safer in Singapore. They rather experience stress from the rat race than to experience chaos. Hmmm... I sometimes wonder if it's this peaceful contributed to the stress to our society.
Try this
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Today morning, went to a golf driving range in Bishan. My friend ask me to go and see if I'm interested to learn Golf. Hmmm... It was quite interesting. The instructor offered as a 10 hours lesson for just $240. Actually I think it's quite interested to try out. But to play the game i have to buy the equipments and to book the field something like that. I have to pay $200+ for booking the field which allows a maximum of 4 golfers. Hmmm... Unlike my friends who work in business and office area, I just a lab technician working on a isolated island. They can benefit more from the course as they can play with their father, client and bosses. Hmmm... At noon went to my friend house at Senja Link. His son 1 month old. Frankly speaking I prefer children that can shout and run around. Baby is just boring. They are just good at crying and poo pooing. Occasionally they will smile or just wave their hand or leg. Try this
Friday, April 27, 2007
Today I got a guitar lesson. First lesson. . I brought my old guitar with a broken string to work. Then at LRT, some young people slowly walk in the LRT. The door was close on me. I blocked it with my right arm. The door opened and I managed to get in. Then the door went bersek. Students in uniform keep turning their head and look at me as if I killed their parents. Hmmm... At last LRT personal ordered everyone to get off the train. I'm late. Sms my boss and went to eat breakfast. At Marine South Pier, I order the Tea(good). Nice. At 10 I took the commercial ferry($11) to the st John. Haiz. Cannot claim for the ferry. At noon had soccer and my colleagues suggested tonite to stay back for fishing. I couldn't join them and also I had to work overnite tomorrow. After work went to a cafe in Republic Plaza for the lesson. The cafe was rather well furnished but it's quite empty. Ordered a cup Hazelnut Steam Milk($5.2). I dont like it. Now then I know why there not much people. At night went to Golden Shoe Carpark to eat the Nasi Biryani ($3.50) plus the Ginger Tea(good). Biryani so so. Hmmm... Whenever I go fishing I would remember the poster on the wall at my workplace.
"Give a man a fish and he will have fish today.
Teach a man how to fish and he will have fish for his life.
Teach men to grow fish and future generation will have fish."
That's my job. Try This:
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday was just a normal working day. Until at night, my friend called me out for supper. I was abit reluctant. Not confident to drive alone. I had to summon my bro to tag along with me. Went to pick my friend up at his house and went straight to Bukit Batok Central. My van died 4 times on the road tonight. Sometimes I feel sorry for it when I was driving. The carpark there was for lorries. Had no problem parking there. We had oyster omelette. I dunno the price cause my friend paid for it and i forgot to pay him back. LOL. It was nice. But the most delicious I ever eaten is the one at Bedok 85 market. It's legendary. Whenever I thought of oyster omelette I think of that stall.
Tuesday working overnite.
Wednesday just returned back to Singapore. Need to company my PS2. Try this:
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Friday, April 20, 2007
No Fear

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Today got a arrow to go HQ to attend a conference on this coming Friday. Hmmm... From 9am to 12noon and after that no work. Good or bad I dunno. I somehow prefer Soccer during lunch. My colleagues were discussing to go on a fishing trip at the Indonesian seas. Hmmm... They talked about how rough the sea will be and how big the catch will be. All the cost will be $300 only. Hmmm... Quite expensive. They say it's worth it as the price of fish caught would certainly exceed $300 easily. They mention about eating a kind of sting ray which the flesh is blue in color and other kind of rare fish during their last trip. Such fish aren't avaliable in the market and even so it would certainly cost more than $300. Hmmm... Should I go?
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Today straight after I reached Singapore went home and rest. Later went to Clementi interchange with my cousin to take photo for our driving license. There I bought a new watch

Friday, April 13, 2007
Friday 13th
Try this:
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Sleeping Early Tonite
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wok on fire.

Gym Outing
Today working. After work went to a big gym near sommerset MRT. Have you been there? Everyone been there knows that their "Fitness Professional" and "Fitness Consultant" are really annoying. I been there once about six months ago.
Went you enter, the Fitness Professional will ask you to take seat then fill in a form which ask question like: "how many week can you come, which body part do you want to improve in how many weeks +++". All those very professional questions. 15mins gone. After that, he will ask you fill up the another personal particular form. After there will be a orientation to the gym and later a Fitness Analysis Test. Hmmm... This was part of the reason I come. After the test, the Fitness Consultant will come and let you look a file. Inside the file there is an old leaflet inside stating price of monthly memebership $120+, registration fee $300+ and a dunno what fee $400+. Very frightening. The consultant will say you very lucky to have this coupon which enable me to have special discount. After that he ask you to how much you're willing to spent a month for this gym. First I say $30, then he say this gym facilites real good then I have to say $50, $70 and later $90. Then later he find someone and say that he is the boss and offer me: the Corporate Plan ($79/mth + upfront $20 registeration fee). The boss went off. The consultant say I damn lucky tonite left 2 slots of the Corporate plan. Hmmm... From $700+ to $99. Tempting right? Then he say must put a deposit for the Corporate plan or else the offer might be taken up by others. Hmmm... I come to meet my friend for gym session and now all this admin took up 1hr of my time.
Later I told my friend about the Corporate plan, my friend said he was offer $59/mth without registration fee. ... Double standard? Corruption? I say unprofessional. Tempted of signing up but who knows that there maybe another Super Saver Plan which could be $30/mth. Haiz... How to trust them? My friend complained the people called several times a day, 100% everyday without fail. 100% is tested and proven. I been there once and I experinced it before. Even my mum dont call me that often. After that went to pork rib rice + barley $5.50 at the S11 buliding between centerpoint and cuppage. Cannot comment as I cant taste really well. Got to visit the doctor restore my taste. Try this:
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Tasteless Life is Boring
For today morning driving, I did lots of vigorous lanes changing and parallel parking. Very worrying. Today is my 3rd last lesson before the test. At noon remembered I bought a Big Sweep ticket last during CYN. My number 3272393. I saw a number 3272381. Arghhh... Almost got a Consolation Prizes @ S$2,000. If only the last 2 digit was 81 not 93. Just too bad. Hmmm... Maybe you thinking that I'm a gambling addict. Well, it's just $6 a month. The possibility to get a prize is real low (I estimate about 1.33/30000). But if I dont buy and do nothing, I never stand any chance to win at all. At least I buy, there's a chance even though it's very small. In this way, I'm also contributing to Singapore Pools for their annual donation for NPD fireworks display. Hmmm... Whatever. At night went ECP went4to eat the Wanton Mee ($3) and Teddy Bear chicken Wing($2). My friend ate the Mee and was sweating alot. It must be quite spicy I think. Sianz. Couldn't smell or taste anything. Stay home or go out equally boring. Sunday working overnite . Try this:
Friday, April 6, 2007
Starve the Fever, Feed the Cold
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Idiot and Stupid Technician
Today, my boss didnt come in the morning. So happy. Hmmm... Did what I have to do. Had our usual lunch break. Straight after that I put on my lab coat. And I slept. zzzZZZ. Haha. I intend to sleep till 3.50pm to do something at 4pm. But was I woke up by my boss. My god. Then I followed him. He ask me where are the others colleagues. They were working and he ask me to help them. Hmmm... His face damn black. You might think that I'm a slacker or a bastard, while others working I can still sleep. Actually I'm handling dieased fish. If I go around helping others, I may cross contaminate and cause more harm than good. When I reach my colleague place, my boss somehow remember I'm handing the sick fish today and ask me to go away. We left the place. While walking, he say commented that he can understand if I sleep at 6pm while working overnite. He say he couldn't accept it when I sleep during working hours. Hmmm... True, but I thought he not coming and that's why I sleep mah... Heh heh. Just too bad I was caught. He reach the 3rd colleague place, he was abit angry and told him that he caught a Idiot technician sleeping just now. He saw my colleague didnt wash something and commented that "only stupid technician will not wash that...". Lol. My colleague he never sleep and was working so hard and yet he was award the "stupid technician" title. Hmmm... I was thinking. Is there a need for such words like stupid or idiot? What was his intention for using such words? I only know such words can be very insulting and may cause resentment or anger. Maybe he thought by using such words can make people feel bad for what they done or remember the mistake they made. Wrong. I think people most likely to remember the harsh remark and will badmouth him. Hmmm... Whatever. I'm not bothered with him but my colleague is quite disturbed by his remarks. \Haha. What we eat cannot defile us but is what comes out from our mouth. This link is more gruesome.
Monday, April 2, 2007
Office Politics
Hmmm... I still love Chicken.
Sunday, April 1, 2007
The Worst April Fool Joke
Today morning went driving. At Jelapang LRT buy 3 curry puffs and I took it up to the train to eat. One 40+ year old lady looked at me shaking the head and look at the no eating sign on the wall. Hmmm... I'm just hungry and was rushing for time. I know after I finish eating I will not throw the plastic bag on the floor. I really dunno what to say. Other than it is a law that eating in train is an offence, am I wrong to eat? If I litter on the train, then I think I am wrong. Sometimes I think we shouldn't ban from eating in train but to ban littering instead. On the other hand if speeding on the road is an offence, shouldn't we ban driving too? Hmmm... This reminds me of the old Singaporean new Singaporean theory.
The Old Singaporean ..........The New Singaporean
Selfish ........................... Socially Responsible
Indolence ........................Innovative
Nett Taker ......................Nett Giver
Gullible ..........................Globalised
Arrested Thinking..............Advance in Thinking
Problems ........................Problem Solver
Opprtunity-Shunning ..........Opportunity-Seeking
Rigidity ..........................Resilient
Empty-Headed .................Educated
Apathetic .......................Adaptable
Narcissistic .....................Nation Conscious
Hmmm... Today I learn left turning and lane changing and vertical parking. After that went gym. Had Mee Hun Kueh($2.30) at gombak coffee shop. Sux. Should be spending the rest of the day at home liao. Hmmm... Thinking why is there any April Fool Joke? Because you have been fooled. Try this